Live Weather from HSSC
Live wind and weather information is provided by our weather station sited on top of the club.
For more detailed information you can register for a free account to access even more data via a desktop computer. Set up your free account at
Just search for HSSC once you have set up your account.
Or for on the go updates, just download the Davis WeatherLink App from App Store or Google Play using the links at the bottom of this page.
HSSC accepts no responsibility for the content of external web sites to which this site links. HSSC does not guarantee the accuracy of any data displayed on this web site, including from its own weather station and web camera. HSSC does not guarantee that its weather and web camera data are kept up-to- date. The information provided on this web site is for interest only, and should not be used to make decisions regarding where, when and if to go on the water. If you are uncertain, seek expert advice. HSSC accepts no liability for any loss, damage or accident to person or property, howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly from the use of this web site. By using this web site, you hereby agree to these terms.