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HSSC Beach Cam History 
Beach Cam   Beach Cam History    Clubhouse Cam   Dinghy Park Cam

Web cam images are archived every 2 minutes, 6am - 10pm during daylight hours.
Date and time stamped, and labeled with temperature, wind speed and direction.

Images are named according to the time at which they were taken, and are overwritten as they are uploaded during the day. Please note, therefore, that images time stamped after the current time will be from the previous day, as they have yet to be replaced. Check the date stamp on each image to ensure you are looking at today's picture. (You may also have to close and reopen your browser to view the latest images.)
<< Current cam image

Every hour 06.00-22.00

Every 30 mins 06.00-13.59 14.00-22.00

Every 10 mins 06.00-07.59 08.00-09.59 10.00-11.59 12.00-13.59
14.00-15.59 16.00-17.59 18.00-19.59 20.00-22.00

Every 5 mins 06.00-06.59 07.00-07.59 08.00-08.59 09.00-09.59
10.00-10.59 11.00-11.59 12.00-12.59 13.00-13.00
14.00-14.59 15.00-15.59 16.00-16.59 17.00-17.59
18.00-18.59 19.00-19.59 20.00-20.59 21.00-22.00

Every 2 mins 06.00-06.29 06.30-06.59 07.00-07.29 07.30-07.59
08.00-08.29 08.30-08.59 09.00-09.29 09.30-09.59
10.00-10.29 10.30-10.59 11.00-11.29 11.30-11.59
12.00-12.29 12.30-12.59 13.00-13.29 13.30-13.59
14.00-14.29 14.30-14.59 15.00-15.29 15.30-15.59
16.00-16.29 16.30-16.59 17.00-17.29 17.30-17.59
18.00-18.29 18.30-18.59 19.00-19.29 19.30-19.59
20.00-20.29 20.30-20.59 21.00-21.29 21.30-22.00

You may find it interesting to scan quickly through the day (e.g. using 30 or 10 minute intervals), in order to find a period of interest, and then look at this period in greater detail  (e.g. using 5 or 2 minute intervals). Alternatively, you may wish to check out the most recent action by selecting small time intervals covering the last hour or half hour. Remember that these images also provide the wind speed and direction at the time, so you can see how things are progressing.

Favourite Cam Images


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weathercentral_line.jpg (8395 bytes)