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SAILING: RYA 'Onboard' Youth Scheme

Sailing builds confidence, develops skills, and is also great fun!

Sailing and Windsurfing is great fun and gives young people an early opportunity to develop confidence, independence and a sense of purpose - but we know that it's not always easy to get started. Onboard is a nation-wide programme that is making it easier for young people to go sailing and get involved in local sailing activities.

It is co-coordinated by the RYA, supported by industry and the sport, and delivered locally by RYA Training Centres and Clubs. Over a ten year period the programme aims to introduce a minimum of 500,000 children to sailing in the UK; with more than 10% of them, we hope, becoming regular participants.

The RYA, in conjunction with the Sports Councils, have established the Onboard Programme to provide quality opportunities for young people to experience sailing within their community and through ongoing support to increase participation in sailing.

The programme is dependant upon the participation of sailing providers, schools and youth and other community groups.

More young people will be able to join in the fun of sailing and take up the opportunities to stay involved through Onboard.

To date there are 65 Onboard clubs and centres which HSSC is now one of. Over the UK so far there are 978 volunteers helping to run these activities with clubs and centre linked to 513 schools and 188 youth groups. Since the programme started 77,981 new young people have had a go at sailing with 5136 young people attending regular sailing and windsurfing sessions.

The aim is to link a school with the club and then hopefully offer a few young people the opportunity to come to the club and have a go at sailing in a friendly and fun environment.

Stuart Bishop
RYA Onboard Development Officer


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SAILING: RYA 'Onboard' Youth Scheme

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